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The Bouncebackability Factor | Acheloa Wellness

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Lauren Baptiste recently interviewed Cait Donovan, an acupuncturist, burnout expert, author, and host of FRIED - The Burnout Podcast.

From all of the things she does, she has one central mission: end burnout culture as soon as possible. Cait believes that stress management is the medicine of the future and is relentless in her goal to teach as many female entrepreneurs as possible to be more resilient, have more energy, and more fun.

In the interview, Lauren and Cait discuss why all burnout isn't equal. Cait's upcoming book, The Bouncebackability Factor was written to fill a gap in the burnout discussion, burnout among women entrepreneurs, but her path to bouncing-back applies to all individuals, everywhere. In today's culture, burnout is prevalent, and Cait's book addresses self-healing head-on.

The Bouncebackability Factor is part autobiography, part manifesto, part self-help, and 100% designed to help all of us break down our own personal burnout cultures so that we can create and sustain the life and businesses that will save the world and contribute to ending burnout culture for all of us.

Cait truly believes that women are saving the world by creating soul-based businesses that nourish our communities and this book is her way of ensuring that as women, we can continue to do that without killing ourselves in the process. A collection of reasons why we burn out and what to do about them, this book is a true guide to ending the burnout cycle, for good. In order to take her book to the next level, Cait is running a crowdfunding campaign. With your help, she's employing a top-notch team to support the publishing of a high quality, well-edited, well-designed and marketable book to reach the masses. For International Women's Day, consider contributing to a passion, a purpose and a humanitarian effort that'll change the culture of burnout. The money raised on iFundwomen will go directly to other female-owned businesses that will edit, typeset, format, design, market, print, and distribute The Bouncebackability Factor in September 2020. Link to The Bouncebackability Factor Campaign:

UPDATE: On March 26, 2023, Cait released an episode of FRIED The Burnout Podcast where I share my story on burnout and how Ayurveda is a useful to breakthrough burnout. Click the link to hear the interview.

Additionally, Cait's book, The Bounceability Factor, is available for sale. It's a wonderful read which I highly recommend!



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