Do any of these resonate?
I put a lot of pressure on myself to be my best.
I’m perpetually exhausted.
At the end of the day, I have no energy left for anyone or anything.
Feels like I’m running on ¼ tank of gas all the time.
It’s hard to deal with the things that aren’t in my control.
I survive my days.
And now, after years of nearly killing myself at work, my company doesn’t support my needs.
I keep doing the hard work and I feel like no one notices me.
I’m not taking any pleasure in life.
Work has become my identity, but I need my sanity back.
I’m fried.
I can’t keep going at this rate.
I'm about to explode.

If you answered YES to any of the above, all hope isn't lost.
The good news is that you can have it all at work AND still have a thriving personal life. But it will not happen by doing things the same way you have been.
As the hardest-working woman, you’re thinking that you should have figured this out on your own. But here we are, months or years later, and you're still feeling stuck.
Here’s the thing: as you’re growing, your challenges are growing, too.
If you continue to solve new problems with old solutions, you’re not going to make progress as effectively as you could be. As a result, you'll continue feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and unaccomplished.
That's where coaching comes in!
Once you understand your work hurdles and the current mindset that got you here, my 5-pillar process will teach you how to find your next role without sacrificing Friday "date nights" with your spouse.
Your pathway to success isn't about doing more. It's about "having it all" with greater ease and less overwhelm. Using my proven framework working one-on-one, I meet you exactly where you’re at and give you the coaching and tools needed to bank that next bonus.
Having a experienced Board of Directors--aka me-- help you level-up faster. Even if everyone in the office expects you to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, we both know that doing that from a place of burnout isn't a sustainable way up the corporate ladder.
Imagine feeling fully appreciated at work AND completely fulfilled at home. You finally get to enjoy the success you've created.
Working together allows you to have a career you love without any of the resentment.
Are you ready for more energy and upward mobility? Let's go!
"I've invested in several coaches over the last few years, and I must say that Lauren is the one that has given the most value to me.
Having Lauren as a coach has been a life changer for me. When I came to her, I was a procrastinator. I knew I wanted dreams, I wanted to build my own business, I wanted retirement, but I just didn't know how to get there. And I knew the steps - I had other coaches tell me what I've been needing to do - but I wasn't taking the action.
I have gone from being in a rut to taking the action steps since I've been with Lauren in her coaching program. For the value that I got, I really could have hired at least three different coaches to get that value.
I would encourage you to do is if you are trying to make lasting changes in your life, in any area of your life, I would recommend you reach out to Lauren. She brings such vast knowledge, she's got on-point intuition, and she's such a giving and calm person that you are going to get the value that you need that's going to last you a lifetime.”
Angie H, Business Owner
Canton, MS

"I look back on where I was at this time a year ago, and I couldn’t be more different.
This past year, working with Lauren has been such an incredible journey for me.
I’ve retained so many important habits that contribute to my well being. Mentally, I feel like I'm sharper and I'm stronger. I take better care of myself physically. And overall, I'm just happier. My life is more aligned.
Lauren is just one of the kindest people you'll ever meet. She's so professional, and she doesn't judge. It's easy to open up to her and talk to her about the changes you want to make. Lauren helps you dive a bit deeper as to figuring things out, helping you come to a place where you figure things out for yourself.
I promise you won't be disappointed.”
Oweka I, Audit Manager
Stamford, CT
"I have found the freedom to accept myself and to show up more authentically for life, my career, and my family.
During the coaching with Lauren, I gathered the necessary tools to trust myself. It's all known deep down, but working with Lauren was invaluable and very eye-opening for me.
I was able to celebrate the little victories that came along in the process of self-improvement that carried over to feeling more fulfilled, and in a flow state.
The coaching was a great decision for me because I have found the freedom to accept myself and to show up more authentically for life, my career, my family. Coaching with Lauren works. Just do it. And the earlier, the better. So that you can shed any doubts and reconnect with yourself.
Lyaman K, Associate Attorney
South Salem, NY

"I could never put a price on this coaching.
I needed advice from someone who had truly been there and who had been heavy in the matrix and came out the other side alive and well!! Seeing is believing.
Lauren is so highly intelligent, especially when it comes to emotional intelligence. I just think she's someone who creates safety for another person. I felt really safe with her.
Results from working together:
I got through/away from the toxic people in my life.
I found a buyer for my practice.
I disconnected from an unhealthy romantic partner.
I prioritized and created an internal strategy for meeting my partner
I started caring more about God and spirit and less about what people thought.
I learned to appreciate my downtime and understanding that me focusing on that was just as important as my work.
Essentially I learned how to prioritize my own needs.
And this last thing....I just became more calm.
I just feel more present and awake. I value myself and all I've created and am excited about my future (which I haven't been excited about for years)
Buying that new bag or those designer shoes isn't ever going to deliver on an investment in yourself that can bring you peace, contentment, love and balance... I could never put a price on this coaching.
SH, Business Owner
Key West, FL
"I've actually increased in my responsibility since working with Lauren but I've actually become more calm, more chill and more in the moment.
A lot of co-workers and family members are noticing it. I'm actually more productive. Which is interesting because I'm working less and I'm getting praises at work about how I've come in with better recommendations and solutions. I'm more open to opportunities and ideas because I'm able to be present with my team.
I am now in control of what I call my “dials”. I can figure out how and when to "turn off" when I feel that it's necessary where. The simple phrase, “I can deal with that tomorrow” has changed my life unbelievable amounts because I am able to be present with family. I'm able to be present with friends without constantly having things going on in my head and constantly having thoughts happening like, 'Mondays coming up, I should have worked on that over the weekend'.
It's really allowed me to have work-life balance."
Dayna S, Head of New Product Development
Toronto, Canada

"While I can't control everything, I can control how I react."
“The best takeaway I got from Lauren was learning that I can't control everything, especially how others treat me, but I can control how I react. This perspective shift has helped me conserve my energy and prevent negativity from further draining me in a time when I was experiencing significant workplace burnout. Even when I had setbacks, Lauren’s guidance brought me back to a positive mindset, reminding me of my worth despite occasional doubts.
Lauren’s advice to focus, step back, and manage my mind has been invaluable. I've learned to accept the ups and downs in my career and life, and not let the downs drag me down too much. This progress has been crucial in managing stress in a professionally challenging time and still maintaining a positive outlook.
I loved working with Lauren and I really enjoyed the sessions. Because of her experience and similar background in Accounting/Finance, I felt she would have a good understanding of what I’ve been going through in my job, and she did. Working with Lauren has been a great help.”
Diana K, Senior Manager
New Jersey​
"If you told me I would be feeling positive, optimistic and confident, I don't know if I would have believed you... But here I am. And it's the coaching that helped me...
I received a review at the end of last year that was tough to hear. It was clear that there was room for growth. It was a new role and I knew I could do better. I just felt like I needed a little more support to do that.
[Four months later, and] I just had my Q1 check in. It was very different than my end of year review last year. My supervisor was very happy with how things are going. I'm showing up more confidently, because I am doing my work in a way that makes more sense. The quality of my output is better. She's also noticing the changes.
This is the first time I've ever worked with a coach. It's different when you're venting to coworkers, venting to friends, or talking to your therapist. Lauren understands the context of what I'm going through, but she’s also able to hold me accountable to the goals that we outlined. It's been honestly really helpful to have a professional coach in my life.
It's helpful that Lauren is available between sessions and that she lets me guide the conversations in terms of what will have the most impact. Even though Lauren has a program that is structured, there's enough flexibility to make sure that every time I feel like I'm getting my most like my top concerns addressed, which is really helpful.
When I got my bad review as a high achieving woman who's always been very successful in my profession, to receive something less than glowing... it can be so easy to start beating yourself up even further, and that bleeds into the rest of your life. It's so worth it to work with Lauren."
Krithika H, Senior Program Officer
Washington DC