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September Is the Perfect Time for "New Year" Resolutions

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

Are you feeling blue about summer coming to an end? Maybe you're a bit overwhelmed as long weekends and sunny days give way to the "back-to-school" busy season of life.

Your feelings are valid.

However, this time of year can present a valuable opportunity to create new habits that ground us and bring more joy and ease into our lives. January new year's resolutions get a lot of fanfare, but I'd like to make a case for September resolutions. There's a lot of "fresh start" energy in the air when the leaves begin to turn and Starbucks reintroduces its famous pumpkin spice latte. You can take advantage of this momentum in a way that's invigorating instead of stress-inducing.

Something I tell all my clients is to start whatever routine, habit, or project they're longing to begin NOW. Why wait for a new year or some other arbitrary marker of a clean slate? TODAY is your chance to reset and start anew.

In the lazy days of summer, it can be difficult to maintain a steady routine, stay in shape or finish projects. However, many of us overcorrect when autumn comes and begin running around in a million directions until we collapse around the holidays.

Let's make a pledge, right here and now, to not fall into that old pattern this year. Here are three simple grounding activities/techniques you can implement this fall to set yourself up for success with any September resolutions you might want to make.

#1: Create a Realistic Routine

Whether we'd like to admit it or not, everyone has 15 free minutes in their day to set themselves up for success. Try setting your morning alarm for just 15 minutes earlier. Take that extra time to start your day right with some stretching, meditation, or journaling about your intentions for the day.

With new year's resolutions, people often make long lists of all the things they think they need to change about themselves — eat better, exercise every day, read more, get that promotion, pick up a hobby — and then wonder why they have a hard time following through.

You're much more likely to stick to a new habit if it's realistic and fits seamlessly into your routine. Start with 15 minutes and you'll be amazed at what other shifts occur.

#2: Stay Grounded in the Moment

When life gets hectic, we often forget to appreciate the beauty of the season going on around us. Take this time to think about grounding fall routines you'd like to establish. Otherwise, you could blink and realize it's December 1st without appreciating special time of year.

Consider shifting your diet to warmer, wetter, and gently spiced foods as the weather cools. Perhaps it's time to retire the raw summer salads and get excited about hearty soups, everything pumpkin-flavored, and crisp apples. Bonus points if you really allow yourself to savor your meal times. Rather than turning on the TV and barely noticing your eating experience, take the time to enjoy the sensations of enjoying a nice meal.

There's no doubt that life picks up this time of year and schedules begin to fill, so block out time on your calendar for moments of slowness. Try putting your phone away for an hour before bed or doing some yoga/meditation in the evening. It's a great fall routine to establish now as the nights begin to grow longer and cooler.

#3: Choose One Affirmation to Fuel You Through the Rest of the Year

We often overestimate what we can accomplish in a day but underestimate what we can accomplish in a few months. This year is not over yet, we still have 1/3 of it left to accomplish any goals you had back when the ball dropped in January.

Start by asking yourself what your number one priority is right now; which aspect of your life you really want to see growth in, more than any other. Then identify a positive affirmation you can return to daily that will help you meet your goal.

For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, your affirmation could be: "The food I choose to eat nourishes my body."

If your goal is to stay calm during stressful periods, your affirmation could be: "All I can do is take it one day at a time and be kind to myself."

If you're not sure what your affirmation should be, try thinking it over while taking a walk, stretching, journaling, or sitting quietly.

Once you have your affirmation:

  1. Write it down

  2. Post it somewhere you can see it every day (your desk, your fridge, your bedroom)

  3. Repeat it daily

Final Thoughts

While these grounding activities and techniques are simple, they aren't necessarily easy. The hard part is committing to implementing them into your routine and sticking with them.

No matter how big your goals are, small shifts are the best place to start. If you want to level up professionally, you need to start with leveling up personally, in the quiet hours when no one else is watching.

If reading this has you feeling inspired to take your life to the next level, schedule a complimentary breakthrough call with me today. I help my clients stop hustling through life, missing all the beauty and feeling perpetually overwhelmed. Together, we discover a different method of operation — one that leaves us energized, inspired, and at peace with ourselves.



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